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      China Petroleum & Petrochemical Equipment Industry Association (CPEIA) was registered and established in August 1985 with the approval of the former State Economic Commission and the Ministry of Civil Affairs. It was jointly established by the former State Economic Commission, the Ministry of Machinery, the Ministry of Petroleum, the Ministry of Geology and Mineral Resources, Sinopec Corporation, China National Offshore Oil Corporation, China National Shipbuilding Corporation, etc. The founding meeting was held in October 1985, and former State councilor Kang Shi'en attended and delivered an important speech.


      CPEIA is a nationwide and industry social organization voluntarily formed by enterprises and institutions engaged in petroleum and petrochemical equipment (including equipment for land and sea oil/gas exploration, drilling and production, storage and transportation and petrochemical) and supporting products.


      The supervisor authority of the party building of CPEIA is the party committee of the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of the State Council of the State Council, the registration and management supervisor authority is the Ministry of Civil Affairs, and the superior party committee is the party committee of the China Machinery Industry Federation. Since 2002, China National Petroleum Corporation, China Petrochemical Corporation and China National Offshore Oil Corporation have taken turns as president of the Association. The term of office has been changed in November 2020, and the current president of the 9th Council is China Petrochemical Corporation.


      The purpose of CPEIA is to promote the development of China's petroleum and petrochemical equipment industry.

      *  Serve as "bridge and link" between "government, industry, academia, research institutions and users".

      *  Provide various services for the development of the petroleum and petrochemical equipment industry and   members.

      *  Feedback the demands and wishes of the industry and members.

      *  Assist government in industry regulations.

      *  Standardizing industry norms、technical norms and agreements.

      *  Protect legitimate rights and interests of the industry and members.

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